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The AAIC Team can Present a 1 hour Educational Workshop to Equip your organisation for the war against ICE!

What ICE Is

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  • Dangers and Toxicity of ingredients used in ICE
  • Effects on the Brain, Body, Relationships & Community
  • Recognise the warning signs that someone maybe using ICE
  • Support Networks
  • Conduct Early Interventions
  • Empower your Business Today!

Train & Equip Workplace Occupational Health and Safety personnel and train your Employees to Identify and Eliminate Risks to your Business

Cut Your Losses!

  • Are Sick Days costing you $$$$ ?
  • Can you Identify an Employee who might be using ICE? 
  • Something not Quite right with an Employee? 
  • Education is Power—Know what you may be dealing with.


  • Training for up to 60 Employees
  • Printed Material and Pocket Cards Supplied. 
  •  Additional Training and Services are Available.    
  • Drug Testing on Request.
  • Workshop Pricing on request

Why you should book a Workshop for your Business

Australia is facing a national crisis. The drug ICE is on our streets and affecting average Australians. 44 people a day are becoming regular users of Ice.

Every ICE addicted person’s costs society well in excess of $100,000.

Is the Drug ICE costing your business? ICE affects activity, productivity, absent days, theft, criminal behaviour and the safety of your workplace.
Protect your workplace today by equipping your employees on critical information they need to know before it’s too late.

High-risk workplaces

Employees taking illicit drugs, particularly ICE, are adversely affecting some industries. This cannot only pose a risk to those within the workplace, but also the general public. As well as addressing employer safety and wellbeing, workplace prevention and intervention efforts can have benefits for the wider community.

There are various factors that influence drug consumption patterns among workforces. These include high levels of workplace stress, drug availability and ‘normalisation’, whereby social networks and sub-cultures influence employees’ beliefs. Workplaces that involve employees working long and irregular hours can also develop a culture where stimulants are used to combat fatigue.

During consultations by the National Ice Task Force the use of ICE in workplaces was raised as a significant issue. This is supported by evidence that 2.3 per cent of the Australian workforce used some form of meth/amphetamines (ICE) in the past 12 months and that less frequent (yearly) users of ICE tend to be employed (69 per cent).

The impact of ICE use on the work environment can include:

  • Irritability, agitation and mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating and reduced performance
  • Mental health problems, such as paranoia, delusions, feeling despondent or depressed
  • Lack of concern about otherwise serious matters
  • Health problems, such as palpitations, infected injection sites or lesions.

Higher methamphetamine (ICE) prevalence has been identified among certain industries, including wholesale trades, the construction industry, the mining industry and the hospitality industry.

ICE use by fly in/fly out workers was also raised as a concern.

This is not only impacting the workplace, but the surrounding communities, with some anecdotal evidence that Indigenous communities are being increasingly exposed to ice in the regions where fly in/fly out workers are travelling.

AAIC offers an interactive Education and Awareness workshop educating on the dangers and consequences associated with using the drug ICE or Methamphetamine.

The one and a half hour interactive workshop is presented by a person who has recovered from ICE addiction who will help explain the short and long term effects of ICE use on the body and brain.

All will be educated on:

  1. What ICE is.
  2. What it looks like.
  3. The mechanisms of ICE addiction.
  4. The highly toxic ingredients that combine to produce it.
  5. The serious consequences associated with trying ICE even once.
  6. The short & long term effects of ICE on the individual

With actual testimonies and pictures of the damage ICE causes on the body and brain, as well as the terrible reality of being addicted to ICE, the lesson shows the shocking truth. This will leave all participants with no doubt whatsoever as to the very real risks associated with using ICE.

For a minimal fee, the participants will be equipped with the knowledge to understand the very real and seriously dangerous consequences of using ICE.

This nation is in the midst of an ICE EPIDEMIC. Don’t let your business and employees suffer the consequences through lack of information or education, anyone fall victim to this highly destructive and devastating drug.

We strongly urge you as employers to take a proactive role in educating and protecting your staff and team from this terrible scourge that is currently ruining our nation.

Please book your workshop online today.

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