
Recover, Restore & Reign

Must be 3 months clean and over

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AAIC Neo coffee cart has started

Please come grab an awesome barista coffee from Enrique and pop into our Nerang St Op Shop  & see Jade & our designer label rack of clothes some are pre loved but some are new … hope to see you soon. In unity we achieve more and help our community further - grab a coffee for charity

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We have a new AAIC OP Shop

Scarborough 4Australian Anti Ice Campaign successfully opened its new Op Shop at 130 Scarborough St. Southport. Scroll down for some shop photos!

Massive thank you to Sharon and Vicki for managing AAIC Op Shop. You two have always been supportive to our cause and we wouldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your efforts in organising the opening day and for making the shop beautiful.
Big thanks to our other volunteers as well, Brodie, Lisa, Jade, and Paul, for helping us set up the Op Shop. You guys are amazing!

Visit us at 130 Scarborough St. Southport. We are open Mondays to Fridays from 9:30 to 4:00 and on Saturdays from 9:30 to 2:00.

We are still open at 204 Nerang St. Southport so come say Hi! Every dollar spent at our Op Shop helps us fund our school workshops to educate young people about the dangers of the drug ICE and provide support and intervention to people in rehab or looking for help.

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