Ebenezer House

ebenezer house1Is it your plan to come and stay at The AAIC Ebenezer House after your rehab?

If so We can provide you with emotional and spiritual support including counselling services and a relapse prevention program to help you on your walk in recovery. Your transition into The AAIC Ebenezer House will be for a period of 3-6 months or as agreed upon depending on your personal needs .

The Ebenezer transition house aims to provide accommodation and support transitioning you back into an amazing life moving forward. We look after rent in a fully furnished home with internet, water, electricity covered your week will include self esteem and restoration courses and relapse prevention planning. The AAIC buddy tripod system of support is paramount as part of your exit plan from The Ebenezer house.

ebenezer house2We also provide spiritual support through cross-life Baptist church church and our buddy mentor ship program. The costs including accommodation is $200 a week not including food. If your happy with this moving forward Please fill out the application form below and this connect you with our house leader to discuss the induction process and dates.  

The house leader would provide you with a weekly plan personalised to your needs including An agreement for you to sign which will outline expectations and house rules for your time in the house with us/ Our aim is to support you with strong spiritual , clinical and emotional support and to help you establish a recovery pathway moving forward into a life worth living, an abundant life you love.

To arrange an interview call 07 5665 6063 or use the form below